Diet Recipe

Diet Mosaic Cake (Diyet Mozaik Pasta)


Hello friends!
As a Turkish food family, we have given you a low-calorie cake recipe that will keep both dieters and those who want to stay healthy, and you will never regret after eating it. Wouldn’t you like to suppress the urge cravings for dessert during the weight loss period? I can hear you say yes from here. There are also many recipes for your special occasions  on our food site.  However, we offer you our fit recipes in terms of being  practical, delicious and healthy so that we can maintain the balance after the days of eating this extra calorie meal.

You can find the ingredients for this diet recipe at every market. A healthy life is necessary not only for those who diet but also for every individual. While we give you a diet recipe, we provide the same taste and low calorie at the same time. It can become an indispensable recipe for those who cannot give up dessert 🙂 . Why not get our sweet need for a lower calorie and healthier way? Try this recipe for you too.  We are sure that you will recommend it to your friends after you try it. Stay with us for delicious recipes with ingredients from home.

WhatsApp Image 2021 03 27 at 22.02.43

Diet Mosaic Cake (Diyet Mozik Pasta)

Fatma Nur Günaydın
Low clorie dessert
Prep Time 20 minutes
Keep in a fridge 2 hours
Total Time 2 hours 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine Turkish Cuisine
Servings 4 people
Calories 124 kcal


  • Fridge
  • fork
  • Blender
  • Baking paper or stretch film
  • Knife


  • 200 gram oat
  • 2 banana
  • 2 tablespoon cacao
  • 2 tablespoon honey (you can add crushed dates, goat horns or molasses alternatively)
  • 2 scale chocolate protein powder (not necessary, but if not added, you can increase the amount of honey.)
  • walnut (you can add hazelnuts, peanuts, etc.)


  • Pour the oats to a trough and a large bowl. Blend beforehand. Add hot water and let it cool for 15-20 minutes.
  • After it cools, add cocoa to the oats (if any, add protein powder), mix well with a spoon.
  • Crush the banana with a fork and add honey. Then add it on the oats and mix well.
  • Add the walnuts.
  • Pour this mixture on baking paper, a silicone cup or a strech film and wrap it.
  • Wait in the deep freezer for 2 hours.
  • Finally, take your mosaic cake from the freezer and slice it and serve it.


YouTube video
Keyword Delicious low clorie recipe, Diet dessert, Diet dish, diet food, Diet meal, Diet mosaic cake, Fit recipe, Low clorie cake, Low clorie dessert recipe, Low clorie mosaic cake, low clorie recipe

Enjoy your meal!
I hope you like our diet mosaic cake recipe that we easily prepare at home. Even when we’re burning fat, we need sweets, right? Who says that cake or junk food is not eaten while dieting. For those say that, we are with you our fit recipes. What could be better than a healthy and tasty dessert recipe? How about checking out our other practical diet recipes? We are sure that you will like our fit recipes very much.

If there are junk foods or desserts you want to make a healthy and fit version, you can write in the comments. Maybe the next recipe will be the one you want;)

Fatma Nur Günaydın

Hello, I am Fatma nur. I'm 22 years old. I am a university student and my department is dialysis.

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