Turkish Coffee (Türk kahvesi)
Have you heard of Turkish coffee’s prophetic ability before? Meet the Turkish coffee with a history of 500 years. In 1517, name of the conjure with, Özdemir Asaf Pasha brought the coffee he tried and loved in Yemen to Istanbul. Turks also drank this coffee by cooking it in its own unique way. Over time this coffee spread.
In addition to coffee culture, fortune-telling culture also emerged during this period. It became a habit in the Ottoman period to predict with the shapes formed by the coffee grounds, and to give information from the past and the future. Today, this habit continues. Moreover, fortune tellers who interpret coffee grounds and do it as a profession have emerged. According to the belief, every character and symbol created by coffee grounds has meanings. These symbols tell your experience and predict what will happen in the future. Here is the recipe for this mysterious coffee:
Turkish Coffee (Türk kahvesi)
- Coffee pot
- Spoon
- cup
- 1 dessert spoon turkish coffee
- 1 cup cold water
- 1 teaspoon Granulated Sugar optional
- Add 1 teaspoon of coffee to the coffee pot.
- Add a cup of cold water to the coffee pot and add sugar.
- Stir the ingredients in the pot and turn off the oven then cook until the boil.
- Pour the cooked coffee into the cup.
Bon Appetit!
Today, as the Turkish food family, we told you about the unique and mysterious Turkish coffee that entrancing you with smell. This coffee may be your favorite coffee. Turkish coffee is served with water and Turkish delight. We recommend you shoot a glance at our other dishes and try the unique dishes, desserts and drinks of the wide and delicious Turkish cuisine originating from Anatolian lands.