
Stuffed green pepper


Hello friends! We will make one of Turkey’s most important varieties of meal as Turkish Foods family with you today. This dish is made for dinner. It is a dish that is loved and consumed by the Turks. It is a meal usually made in crowded environments. This food is made by almost all regions of Turkey and the Turkish people are loved an exquisite dinner. when we say peppers the first thing that comes to your mind stuffed green pepper.

You can find this meal local restaurant and this dish is cooked in almost every home in Turkey. Genarally, it is made at dinner in Turkey. It will amaze you with its color and taste. It is usually served with soup. It is a very tasty and difficult to prepare meal. This dish is quite consumed in Turkey. Generally, 2 of them are a meal that fill it up people. This dish is prepared with very little ingredients and consumed at dinner. This dish will amaze you with its color and taste.

dolma ilk

Stuffed green pepper

Delicious appetizer
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Course Appetizer
Cuisine Turkish Cuisine
Servings 3 people
Calories 107.51 kcal


  • Pot
  • Knife
  • bowl


  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 2 onions
  • 2 tablesppons peanuts
  • 1.5 cups rice
  • 10 bell pepper medium
  • 2 cups hot water
  • 1 tomato (to cover them) medium
  • 1 tablespoon currants
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon mint
  • 1/2 teaspoon granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon allspice


  • Pour half a glass of olive oil into a saucepan and chop 2 onions and cook until they turn pink.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of peanuts and continue browning until it get  color.
  • Afterthe peanuts get color, add 1.5 cups of washed rice and brown for 2-3 minutes.
  • Add 1tablespoon of currants and mix.
  • Immediately after the currants are mixed, add 1 teaspoonof salt, half a teaspoon of black pepper, half a teaspoon of allspice, half ateaspoon of granulated sugar and 1 teaspoon of mint.
  • Add 2 cups of hot water and cook for 7-8 minutes and takeoff pan the stove.
  • Remove the stalk of peppers.
  • Fill the stuffed filling you prepared into the bell pepper.
  • Arrange the stuffed dishes perpendicular to the pot.
  • Cut inhalf the tomatoes then put on to of the peppers and close them.
  • Fill the pan halfway with water and pour olive oil over themand close the lid.


YouTube video


Enjoy your meal!
Yes Friends! We told one of Turkey's most important vegetable dishes as Turkish family with you today. You can also try different kinds of spices while making this dish. In addition, we recommend you to prefer dishes such as pilaf and cucumbur yoghourt with this meal. By browsing our other dishes we recommend you to try the unique dishes, desserts and drinks of the wide and delicious Turkish cuisine that came out of the Anatolian lands.
Keyword Amazing taste, amazing turkish food, Biber dolması recipe, Stuffed green pepper, Stuffed green pepper recipe, stuffed recipe, Turkish Cuisines, Turkish food recipe


Hi! friends I am Gülçin.  I am 21 years old. I am  a university student and my department is  translation and interpreting.

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